Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome Back!!!

  Well, it has certainly been awhile. Life got in the way of my writing. Kinda sad, cause I really missed it. So I am back with a vengeance. A lot has happened in the past 2 years. Life has taken a turn for the worse that ended up being for the best. After many fights and struggles, my marriage ended and I had to start over. Turns out this was just what I needed. My life is so much better now. I am able to focus on some of the things that make me happy. 

The gym has become my second home again. In case you were wondering, I actually completed my first Tough Mudder in November 2014. I learned a ton from the experience and took a lot of this info to use in my fitness goals. Why not go all out and do the hardest one. I certainly did that when I chose the Marines over everyone else. Some say it is a calling, but I believe that pushing ourselves to a place it's never been is the only way to truly test out character and fortitude. 

Having said that, my fitness goals have become clear. Build strength while increasing muscle endurance and cardio. Right now, I am in the strength phase but fit it a little cardio. Truth be told, I need more cardio just to help with fat loss. I also do some circuit training at home. I want to build explosion and fast twitch muscle by quick movements. 

I will get into everything a little more later. Right now, I've typed this whole thing on my phone which pretty much sucked!!next time, we will tackle all kinds of things. Tune in soon