Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Beginning: My Journey

Why would you do this? That's the question many people have asked me. Why not? At 34 years of age, I am certainly not getting any younger. Having served nearly 6 years in the Marines makes everything else seem easy. Somewhere along the way, I forgot about the discipline and fitness involved in such an elite organization. I allowed myself to get out of shape, and my eating habits went down the drain. I caught myself at the park one day playing a half-ass game of softball with my daughter and realized that after 2 runs around the bases chasing her that I was horribly out of shape. That brought to mind the fact that my dad wasn't able to play a lot with me when I was younger cause he never took good care of his body. His shoulder's hurt and so did his back. I missed the days of playing catch or throwing the football.

I vowed to myself that I wouldn't do that to my kids, and so I started working out, but kept getting lazy and stopping. My eating habits were not the best either. Crash dieting just wasn't smart. One day, I started to realize that one of my great friends and Marine brothers, was doing things I could only dream about. I started consulting him on different issues I was having, and wanted some guidance. I was about to start doing the Rushfit program for the next 8 weeks, and thought some encouragement would go a long way. We set it up to have daily text updates about our workouts, and also start working on the eating part. He told me to start with one meal change a day. Breakfast changed for me, and now my wife and I eat eggs, mixed veggies, and a cup of coffee with cinnamon every morning. I have also completed 2 days of my program. It has felt great up to this point.

Before I started, I began to wonder what would I do to keep this going once I complete this program. I have done a Qtr. triathlon before, but wasn't a huge fan of the running part. What came next gave me more of a reason. I want to become and adventure athlete. What does that mean?? I want to start competing in adventure races like Mud Run, Spartan Race, and finally Tough Mudder. I have always been searching for something to fill the void of being in the Corps, and I think I have found it. Over the course of time, I will write posts about my training, and  life changes that not only me, but my wife are going thru. Through the guidance of my Marine Brother, Gary, we will focus our lives on healthy living and sustained change to help give our children a brighter future. Gary text me something last night that I want to repeat, so I will sign off with that quote, and see you on the flip side. Cardio tonight!!!

"Remember, nothing gets in the way of your health. Not even you"

Let the RESURRECTION begin

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